Tax Audit
As per section 44AB of Income Tax the Tax audit has been made mandatory and that all taxpayers are required to get the accounts of their business or organization audited by an outside agency.
Things are inspected during Tax audit
An examination of an individual’s or organization’s tax returns is verified. And that all the income, expenditure and deduction information have been filed correctly.
In case an organization is covered to undergo an audit covered in other provision of law, is also required to do Tax audit?
No, in case an organization is required to undergo tax audit under other than Income tax act, then Tax audit is not compulsory for such organization.
Sr. No. | Particulars | Limit |
| Individual not opting for presumptive taxation scheme | Total sales, turnover or gross receipts > 1Crore. |
| Individual opting for presumptive taxation scheme | Total sales, turnover or gross receipts >2 Crore |
| individual, who is a professional | Gross receipts > Rs 50 lakhs |
| Business eligible for presumptive taxation under Section 44AE*, 44BB* and 44BBB* | Claims profits or gains lower than the prescribed limit under respective presumptive taxation scheme |
| profession eligible for presumptive taxation under Section 44ADA | Claims profits or gains lower than the prescribed limit under presumptive taxation scheme and income exceeds maximum amount not chargeable to tax |
| Carrying on the business and is not eligible to claim presumptive taxation under Section 44AD due to opting for presumptive taxation in one tax year and not opting for presumptive tax for any of the subsequent 5 consecutive years | If income exceeds maximum amount not chargeable to tax in subsequent 5 consecutive tax years from the tax year where presumptive taxation is not opted for |
Audit report:
Audit report is filed by qualified professionals usually the CA :-
Due Date for Filing Tax Audit Reports:
The Due date of filing tax audit report under section 44AB is 30th September of the assessment year.
In case of non compliance a person is liable for paying penalty of 0.5% of his turnover / gross receipts subject to a maximum of Rs 1,50,000.
Due date for filing the tax returns
Under section 44AB due date to file Tax return is 30th September of the assessment year.
In transfer pricing audit cases, the due date for tax audit return filing is 30th November of the assessment year.
Advantages of Tax Audit:
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