Non-Disclosure Agreement
Any written agreement executed between two or more parties with an intention to restrict the parties from disclosing any kind of proprietary or sensitive information is known as Non-Disclosure agreement.
Such agreements have binding clause which are applicable on either one of both the parties named in the agreement. Thus not only restricts them from sharing such information but also from making profits as a result of such additional knowledge.
These contracts are gaining importance as in this competitive world sharing confidential information is crucial in the process of securing investment, finding potential partners, hiring key employees or convincing potential clients etc.
What is confidential information?
Any information can be confidential information based on the business activity undertaken by the organization. For example for a manufacturing company it could be the manufacturing procedure, for a food outlet it could be secret recipes, for software development company it could be codes etc. It basically represents the information which is viable for conducting the business in a profitable manner.
Other than above mentioned business specific information, from a business point of view following information is considered as critical and must be protected:
Various Kinds of Non-Disclosure Agreement
Based on the nature and purpose of agreement, non disclosure agreement can be of various types. On the basis of nature, it can be classified into two categories i.e. Bilateral or unilateral.
When a single party to the contract is obligated not to share or profit from confidential information described in the contract, then it can be termed as a Unilateral Confidentiality Agreement.
On the other hand, if both the parties to the contract are obligated not to share or profit from confidential information described in the contract, then it can be termed as a Bilateral Confidentiality Agreement.
On the basis of activity non disclosure agreement can be of following types;
Inventor Confidentiality Agreement
Employee Non-disclosure Agreement
Interview non-disclosure agreement
Customer Confidentiality Agreement
Standard non-disclosure agreement
Requirement of Non- Disclosure Agreement
To understand the requirements and benefits of a non-disclosure agreement for the business its benefits to the organization are to be understood. These benefits include the following:
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